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BioLab logo AirSim Advanced Model
Details of number of links on each page and number of Pages, along with the content under each section for . BIOLAB is a leading supplier of Scientific Educational Models and Plant Tissue Culture products (Agar Agar). BIOLAB has a distinctive edge over its competitors in quality management, skilled managerial force with all infrastructure.

Our products :

Human Skeleton Models, Anatomical Models, Torso Models,
Medical Models, etc. required by Institutions (Schools & Colleges), Nurses Teaching & Training Institutes, Medical Colleges, Pharmacy & Para-medical Colleges, etc.
Our other product range includes ‘AGAR AGAR’ used by plant tissue culture industries, food and pharmaceutical industries.

Milestone :

Over the past few years, BIOLAB has introduced several new products, expanded its operations to keep pace with evolving customer needs.

Today BIOLAB is the market leader and established a reputation in the respective market due its high quality products, competitive rates and best services.

Marketing :

Our direct marketing approach has ensured that we keep pace with the changing need of our customers.

Trade Fairs / Exhibitions:

Regular participation in trade fairs and exhibitions, coverage in TV channels namely Kairalee TV and Dooradarshan has resulted into more of awareness and greater visibility for our products.
get in touch BioLab products

Email : Phone : 080-28384100
# 162 Rijin Villa, Gangamma Circle ,Jalahalli, Bangalore 560013, India


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